A forum to discuss, contemplate, post, complain, laugh at and understand economics and the economy and its effect on people of my generation. You know what, I'm pretty much gonna start talking about everything, nobody is reading this anyway.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Delphi, Poor Delphi, Poor Detroit...Lift Up Your Weary Heart...

Hey, Delphi just announced another 1400 people took buyouts...bringing the total to 20,100. Crazy, right?

I feel bad for everyone involved, but this is the restructuring Detroit need 20 years ago. I feel like the heavens are releasing tied down capital. Will some of this money leave Detroit? Yes. Will this be a drain on the economy? Yes. Will Detroit recover? It always does.

Is this question and answer format getting annoying? It always does. Here's the link if you didn't click up there...


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