A forum to discuss, contemplate, post, complain, laugh at and understand economics and the economy and its effect on people of my generation. You know what, I'm pretty much gonna start talking about everything, nobody is reading this anyway.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Enron: They're not Crooks...

I've had this blog for about five months and the one thing I can tell you is that no one reads this thing. But the one long diatribe I had about Enron I got comments on, and from some securities lawyer who thought he was right. Although, I had to concede some point Enron is not wholly innocent, I still maintain that technically Skilling and Lay did nothing explicitly wrong. Further, Fastow's "crimes" have been over exaggerated and his prison term was excessive.

Either way, don't take it from me, read what Malcolm Gladwell has to say in the New Yorker.


I heard a rumor that he may be writing a book on the subject. more will follow if you comment.

1 comment:

Joseph J. Ravitsky said...


If you want to post stuff too, I can add you as a member...but I'll write something about Enron if that's what you were referring to.