A forum to discuss, contemplate, post, complain, laugh at and understand economics and the economy and its effect on people of my generation. You know what, I'm pretty much gonna start talking about everything, nobody is reading this anyway.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Pitchfork has probably been doing this for a little while, but it's cool

I noticed a cool feature on Pitchfork Media's Website that is called Forkcast. It's pretty cool cause it puts up new music and videos and like a weekly Forkcast that does reviews of new music. I think its a great way to take a break from work if you're on the computer and check out some new music.

Also, even though pitchfork is relatively mainstream, I find the reviews and new music to be very good, and its independent enough for me and who really cares if the music's good. One thing I really like about this, is that I used to visit Pitchfork mainly for the reviews or when I was pondering a new album, because I usually trust their pics, but now, this feature gives me another reason to spend more time on the site. What I don't like is that Itunes seems to be one of the only outlets for downloading music and more independent stuff isn't on there. Therefore, I use EMusic.com, but some kind of combination of great reviews and news like Pitchfork or NME and an easy purchase interface would make a lot of sense. Also, I think the other great idea out there is where music is ranked by users and that determines the price of each track, with a cap at $.99/track or $1.29/track. This way you can combine professional reviews, music distribution, and user reviews into one thing.

Anyway, here's the pitchfork link again.

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